Facts | What does Premier Community Bank do with your personal information? |
Why? |
Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do. |
What? |
The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:
When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. |
How? |
All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons Premier Community Bank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing. |
Reasons we can share your personal information | Does Premier Community Bank share? | Can you limit this sharing? |
For our everyday business purposes— such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus |
Yes | No |
For our marketing purposes— to offer our products and services to you |
Yes | No |
For joint marketing with other financial companies | No | We don’t share |
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— information about your transactions and experiences |
Yes | No |
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— information about your creditworthiness |
No | We don’t share |
For affiliates to market to you | Yes | Yes |
For nonaffiliates to market to you | No | We don’t share |
Questions? |
Call 715-754-2535 or go to www.premiercommunity.com |
What we do | |
How does Premier Community Bank protect my personal information? |
To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with
federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. We also restrict access to Customer Information to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. Employee education about the importance of confidentiality and customer privacy is a priority. |
How does Premier Community Bank collect my personal information? |
We collect your personal information, for example, when you:
We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates or other companies. |
Why can’t I limit all sharing? |
Federal law gives you the right to limit only
State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing. |
What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else? | Your choices will apply to everyone on your account. |
Definitions | |
Affiliates |
Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies. Our affiliates include companies that Premier Community Bank owns or controls; financial companies such as Premier Insurance Services or Premier Investment Services. |
Nonaffiliates |
Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies. Premier Community Bank does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you. |
Joint Marketing |
A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you. Premier Community Bank does not jointly market. |
Other important information | |
Protecting Your Privacy
At Premier Community Bank ("Bank"), the basis of each customer relationship, many of which span generations, is trust. You have chosen to do business with the Bank, and we are obligated to honor that relationship with great care, beginning with the information you have chosen to share with us. We believe that your privacy should not be compromised. At the same time, we want to offer you the array of financial products and services you need to accomplish your financial goals. We believe we can do both through our Privacy Principles in the privacy policy outlined below.
Recognition of a Customer's Expectation of Privacy
At the Bank, we believe that confidentiality and protection of customer information is one of our fundamental responsibilities. And while information is critical to providing quality services, we recognize that one of our most important assets is our customer's trust. Thus, the safekeeping of customer information is a priority for the Bank.
Customer Benefits of Institution's Information Management Practices
We collect, retain, and use information about you only where we reasonably believe that it will help administer our business or provide products, services, and other opportunities to you. We collect and retain information about you only for specific business purposes - and we will tell you why we are collecting and retaining it upon your request. We use information to protect and administer your records, accounts, and funds, to comply with certain laws and regulations, to help us design or improve our products and services, and to understand your financial needs in order to provide you with quality products and superior services.
Maintenance of Accurate Information
The Bank has established procedures to ensure that your financial information is accurate, current and complete, in keeping with reasonable commercial standards. We also pledge to respond to requests to correct inaccurate information in a timely manner.
Limitations on Employee Access to Information
At the Bank, employee access to personally identifiable customer information is limited to those with a business reason to know such information. Employees are educated on the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of customer information and on these Privacy Principles. Because of the importance of these issues, all Bank employees are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of customer information and employees who violate Privacy Principles will be subject to disciplinary measures.
Protection of Information via Established Security Procedures
We safeguard information according to established security and procedures, and we continually assess new technology for protecting information. Our employees are trained to understand and comply with these information principles.
Restrictions on the Disclosure of Account Information
It is our policy not to reveal nonpublic personal information about our customers to anyone except as disclosed in this policy or as permitted by law. We may disclose nonpublic personal information about our customers with our affiliates (a company we own or control). Examples of this type of information may include name, address, account balances, types of accounts and information about your transactions and experiences. Federal law allows us to disclose the information listed above with our affiliates.
Maintaining Customer Privacy in Business Relationship With Third Parties
When the Bank conducts business with third parties, it requires its vendors and suppliers to maintain similar standards of conduct regarding the privacy of personally identifiable customer information provided to them.
Providing Privacy Information to Customers and Responding to Inquiries
At the Bank, we value our customer relationship. We want you to understand how we use the information you provide and our commitment to ensuring your personal privacy. If you have any questions about how the Bank protects your confidential information, please call any of our offices.